The Members of the Faculty of Medicine Have Completed Laboratory Preparations for COVID-19 Molecular Diagnosis
COVID-19 Molecular Diagnostic Tests will be done in Kırşehir Training and Research Hospital Microbiology Laboratory with the support of our Faculty of Medicine.
The studies to bring the Coronavirus Pandemic under control continue rapidly. Medical Microbiology Laboratory taking place in Kırşehir Ahi Evran UniversityTraining and Research Hospital was authorized as COVID-19 Diagnostic Laboratory by the Ministry of Health.
The chief physician of the laboratory of which deficiencies were recovered by the lecturers of the Faculty of Medicine is Assist. Prof. Dr. Fikriye Milletli Sezgin who is a member of the Department of Medical Microbiology. Assist. Prof. Dr. Ekin Çelik who is a member of the Department of Medical Biology also takes place in the laboratory.
COVID-19 Diagnosis will be Made More Rapidly
The samples taken from the patients will not be sent to Ankara and the diagnosis of the illness will be made more rapidly thanks to the diagnostic laboratory.
COVİD-19 RT-qPCR Test is made in the laboratory with molecular methods in a real-time PCR device and pandemic SARS-CoV-2 (2019-nCoV) virus causing Coranavirüs Disease 2019 (COVİD-19) will be diagnosed.