Face to face education which was stopped because of Coronavirus Pandemic in our country restarted through distance education at our university. The students paid broad participation to distance education activities that started on 30 March 2020.
The decision to continue education with the participation of the students through distance education was given in the meeting participated by the Rector Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya and AYDEP Unit Responsibles
The Number of the Students Who Attended the System is 8106 on Its First Day
The distance education process started at our university after determination of the courses that could be carried out through distance education, course schedules and assignment of the related courses to related lecturers. The necessary training was provided to coordinators of the units, departments and support teams for the usage of the system. 8106 students participated in the distance education process carried our through AYDEP on its first day. 1008 students participated in the synchronic courses. Additionally, 4187 files were uploaded during these courses and 46408 course materials were downloaded from the system.
Rector Karakaya: “Our Slogan and Path are Obvious”
Prof. Dr. Vatan Karakaya stated that education is a dynamic process and each individual should fulfill his/her responsibility during these days. He also drew attention to the responsibility of studying of the students and he said "There is no limit for education, this is our new slogan. Our slogan and path are obvious. We will carry out our distance education process successfully. I thank the ones who sport us during this process."